What comes to mind when I say eggs and olive oil?
Food? Fat? Grease? Or Protein and moisture?
You see, the latter are exactly what the hair needs in order to stay strong, and strong hair is hair that grows.
Hair is made out of keratin, which is essentially protein, so in order for hair to grow and stay strong it must have protein. One of the best sources of protein? eggs. Eggs are packed full of protein (this is why it is recommended you eat an egg for breakfast if you are dieting as protein is the most filling substance, but I recommend either shredded wheat or porridge and green tea for a weight loss breakfast, but weight's a completely different story...) so they are a MIRACLE for hair. Not only does the protein in eggs strengthen the hair by adding more protein to it (what hair is made of) but the other nutrients add to the shine. Olive oil is just amazing for helping hair: it is literally like pure moisture for hair and screams: 'Olive oil to the rescue!!!!'. Seriously, just think of olive oil as your prince charming. It will never disappoint unlike 99.9999999999999% of the male population. (keep your eyes peeled for a future post on the wonders of oils in general, including my also beloved Amla oil). So it made perfect sense to combine these two wonder products and see what happenes, here's how to and what exactly happened:
For average length/ normal thickness you will need 1 medium or large egg and 4 teaspoons of olive oil.
For long/ thick to very thick hair (such as mine) you will need 2 eggs amd 8 teaspoons of olive oil.
Eins- Crack the egg (or two if you have long/ thick to very thick hair) into a bowl and carefully measure out the necessary amount of oil. Make sure your hair is completely detangled as the eggs will knot it and make it feel matted.
Zwei- Add the oil to the eggs and stir it in using a spoon. It's kinda impossible (or so I found it to be, anyway) to make it a completely even blend but stir them together as best as you can, making sure the yoke in particular is completely stirred in particular.
Drei- Put some of this in your hands and gently massage into hair, starting from the forehead and area working backwards. Your hair will begin to feel matted, knotty and dry, but this is just the protein in the egg, i promise. Make sure all hair is covered from scalp to tip, making sure to massage well as this increases blood flow to the scalp meaning more nutrients are delivered to the hair follicle and faster growth, this also helps to make sure that all nutrients from the egg and oil are absorbed into the scalp too.
Now you have 30 minutes to sit around and wait; paint your nails, text your friend, tweet your favourite celebrity,finish with your boyfriend or carry on reading my blog, do what ever you like :D.
Vier- Now rinse your hair. Using lukewarm water wet your hair and shampoo it, rinse the shampoo and shampoo again, making sure to shampoo the ends and mid-length too and the scalp. When your confident all shampoo has been removed put a little bit of conditioner on the ends and mid-lengths. TIP: do a finaal rinse for around a minute with cold water, as ice cold as you can handle!!! My bathrooms makes the antartic seem tropically hot so it's awful for me having to do a cold rinse, but it's worth it :D.
Fünf- Now let your hair dry naturally (don't betray me and use a hairdryer, just think of having a healthy, long, maine of hair!) and see stronger and glossy-er locks :D, love it!
My final thoughts on this treatment: My hair is very shiny and feels stronger for this treatment so I will definetly do this again, it is a bit ooff putting at first when your hair starts feeling matted and dry, not to mention crunchy!! But as soon as you've rinsed it it is soooo worth it! This treatment will be better each time you do it as your hair will build up a stronger supply of protein. I am going to do this treatment once a month (I do my oil reatments the rest of the month, which I will blog about) and see if my hair continues to feel stonger. A picture of my hair will be uploaded tomorrow :). xxxx
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